Harlequin Macaw Bird Species Profile, Diet and Nutrition

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harlequin macaw
Harlequin Macaw

Harlequin Macaw is the most colorful and beautiful parrot in the world at the moment. It is called the most gorgeous pet in the world. Because of its captivating behavior, amazing hues, and eye-catching appearance. But Harlequin Macaws aren’t the original breed. They are basically a crossbreed of Gold and Blue with green-winged macaws.

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When you are looking for a captivating pet, Harlequin Macaws can be the best choice, as they are known as the most visually dazzling bird. And when it comes to taking care, these hybrid birds are a bit more demanding, I must say. It also requires ample space, a balanced diet, proper training, and a lot more to know. But don’t be worried, as I’ve prepared the most suitable guidelines about Harlequin Macaws, care, diet, lifestyle, behavior, and everything else you need to know. Let’s dig into it then.

Origin and History of Harlequin Macaw 

Here’s a table about the origin and history of harlequin macaws. This table will summarize the key aspects of the origin and history of harlequin macaws. Also highlighting their hybrid nature and popularity.

harlequin macaw
Harlequin Macaw
Common NameHarlequin Macaw
Scientific NameN/A (hybrid species)
OriginHybrid species bred in captivity
Parental SpeciesBlue-and-Gold Macaw (Ara ararauna). Green-Winged Macaw (Ara chloropterus)
First BreedingTheir first breeding date is unclear.  Hybrid macaws have been bred for several decades, mainly since the mid-20th century.
Purpose of BreedingAt first, they were bred for the pet trade. As they have vibrant coloration. Also attractive.
Physical AppearanceCombines the characters of both parental species: vibrant colors – (often with a blend of blue, green, and red)large size, and long tail feathers.
BehaviorIntelligence, a playful nature, and strong vocal abilities. Combination of both parent species.
PopularityHighly popular among avian enthusiasts. Also to pet owners. Mainly because of their good appearance and engaging personalities.
Conservation StatusNot applicable. They are a hybrid species and do not occur in the wild naturally.
Notable BreedersAviculturists and bird breeding facilities around the world have contributed to the breeding. Also in popularity are harlequin macaws.
Role in AvicultureHarlequin macaws play a significant role in the aviculture community. Sometimes, used to showcase the possibilities of hybrid breeding. To raise awareness about macaw species.

Physical Characteristics

Harlequin macaws are hybrid parrots. They are a cross between a blue-and-gold macaw and a green-winged macaw. They have large bodies and strong, curved beaks. Their tails are long and tapered. Their eyes are surrounded by white patches of bare skin. The size can range from 30 to 36 inches in length. They weigh 2 to 3 pounds. Their wingspan makes them strong fliers.

Size and Appearance

Harlequin macaws are large birds. The size is typically between 30 and 36 inches. They have a strong build and powerful beaks. Their feathers are very vibrant and colorful. Those are a blend of blues, greens, reds, and yellows.

Each bird has a unique color pattern. Because they are hybrid. Tails are long and colorful.

Color Variations and Patterns

Harlequin macaws have a great mix of colors. They have mainly blue, green, red, and yellow feathers. Their backs and wings are usually green with blue edges. The chest and belly are often orange or red. They may have red patches on their heads. The face has white, featherless skin with fine lines. Each bird’s coloration can vary, making every harlequin macaw unique.

Lifespan and Longevity of Harlequin Macaw 

Harlequin macaws can live a long time. Averaging 40 to 60 years. They can reach 70 to 80 years old with care.

Older birds have signs of aging. Like reduced activity or changes in feather quality. There are also some health issues. So, they need regular vet check-ups and a balanced diet.

Personality and behavior of Harlequin Macaw 

  • Harlequin macaws are social and friendly. They love to be the main point of attention. These birds have a joyful and playful nature. They like to climb and play with toys. They can also learn tricks and duplicate sounds.
  • The harlequin macaw and its owner have close relationships. They mostly speak loudly. They also need a lot of social engagement to train.

Nutrition and Diet of Harlequin Macaw 

harlequin macaw
Harlequin Macaw
  • A balanced diet is important for Harlequin macaws. Fruits, vegetables, and nuts are necessary for their diet. For their health, fresh produce is crucial. Additionally, parrot-specific pellets are good. Eat no fat-, sugar-, or salt-containing foods. There should always be access to fresh, clean water. Nuts and tiny bits of nutritious snacks can be treats. They remain healthy and active with a varied diet.

Housing and Environment

  • Harlequin macaws need big cages. It should be 5 feet wide. Also tall and long too. They need room to move. Try to use strong metal for the cage. Macaws can break weak cages.
  • Place the cage in a quiet room. Keep it away from direct sunlight. They need fresh air. Do not put the cage near windows. Wind and rain can harm them.
  • Macaws need natural light. A UV lamp helps, too. They need 10–12 hours of light daily. Make sure the room is not too hot. The ideal temperature is 65–80 °F.
  • The cage floor should be clean. Use paper or wood shavings. Clean the cage every day. Remove food scraps and droppings. Dirty cages make them ill.
  • Macaws love climbing. So keep perches and ropes in the cage. Put some toys in. It will make them busy and happy.
  • They need a particular sleeping cage. It has to be dark and quiet. This helps them rest peacefully.

Care and Maintenance of Harlequin Macaws 

  • Feed macaws a balanced diet, like seeds, vegetables, and fresh fruits. Give them water, too. But don’t feed them avocados and chocolate. These are toxic for them.
  • Give fresh water every day. Daily, clean the food bowl. They can get sick from polluted water.
  • Cut their nails and beaks sometimes. This stops their overgrowth. Also, go to a vet for check-ups.
  • Bathing is necessary here. You can use a spray bottle for that. Wash them with some warm water. Do this two times a week.
  • Macaws also need some exercise. Train them out of the cage daily.
  • Try to have more time with them. Talk and play with them. This makes them happy and joyful.
  • Breeding and Reproduction of Harlequin Macaws

Breeding age and conditions:

  • They breed at 4–5 years old. They need a big, clean cage for that. Proper diet and care are also needed.
  • Ethical considerations in breeding hybrids:
  • Breeding hybrids has some ethical issues. It can harm genetic identity. So think and get suggestions from experts first.

Cost of Harlequin Macaw and ownership considerations

  • Initial costs: purchase, cage, and accessories: 
  • Buying a harlequin macaw is very costly. This bird can cost thousands of US dollars. Besides, a large cage and accessories are also expensive.
  • Ongoing expenses: food, toys, veterinary care:
  • Their food is expensive. They need fresh and regular food. Toys are also important for their mental health. Regular vet check-ups can add to the cost.
  • Adoption versus purchase:
  • Adoption is sometimes cheaper. It will give a bird a new home and care. But purchasing from breeders is unethical.


Now, should you purchase a Harlequin Macaw?

Harlequin macaws are known as hybrid parrots. They are very colorful and large. They have characters from both parent species. And they are also intelligent and social. Macaw love a lot of attention. They need large cages and toys. Their diet must be balanced. Regular vet visits are essential.

Owning a harlequin macaw is a big commitment. They need time and care. And they can be loud and messy. They form strong bonds with their owners. If you take care of them properly, they will surely live long. So think carefully before having one.


What is a Harlequin Macaw?

Harlequin Macaw is a hybrid bird. It is a blue, gold macaw and a green-winged macaw mix. They are colorful and joyful.

Do Harlequin Macaws talk?

Yes. Harlequin Macaws can talk. They also can mimic sounds and words. They easily learn simple sentences.

What is the cost of harlequin macaws?

Harlequin macaws are very costly. They cost between $2,000 and $5,000. The price can vary from age and training.

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