Blue Fronted Amazon Species parrot

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Blue-fronted Amazon
Blue-Fronted Amazon

Description of the Blue Fronted Amazon

Blue fronted Amazon parrots are the most common birds kept as pets. They have bright colors and each bird has its own unique feather patterns with its own exterior personality.

Known as curious and birdwatchers, they are an entertaining bird who really enjoy spending time with their human flock, which they make excellent pets. You will find them to be skilled teachers. They are big parrots, so you have to provide plenty of room and time to live a happy and healthy life.

Common names

Blue fronted Amazon parrot, turquoise fronted Amazon parrot

Origin and History

Swedish botanist Carl Linnaeus recorded the blue-faced Amazon parrot in 1758 on zoological records. There is a wide range of species, with wild populations found in Bellavia, Brazil, Paraguay, and northern Argentina, extending south to Buenos Aires.

Stuttgart, Germany, has a population of at least one population. This is probably the result of escaping the flock and forming a flock that grows over time.

Blue fronted Amazon usually lives in forests and forests. They live in large flocks and form strong bonds with their mates. Like most parrots, they roam the tree cavities where most of the incubation duty is taken care of and the young are taken care of.

Although it is strange that the blue-faced Amazon lives on wild animals, they are considered endangered. Their status on the ICNN Red List classifies them as “less concussion”. Despite the supposed decline in numbers, the rationale for this seemingly weak condition is that their range is so vast that the dangers of hunting for habitat loss and the pet trade will not greatly affect them. However, it is also worth noting that this may change in the future.


This species usually grows to the tips of birds 15 to 17 inches wide. On average, they weigh between 14 and 15 ounces. It is considered a large to medium-sized parrot.

Average lifespan

When taken care of well, the blue front Amazon can live up to 80 years. Most will reach the age of 40, though some have been reported to have lived for almost 100 years.


Active and humorous, the blue fronted mammograms are natural performers. They love being around their owners and will have to ham it up for extra attention. When socially good, they will enjoy this parrot as a whole family, though they are a favorite.

While generally non-invasive and good with other birds, some individuals are known to protect their guard when in danger. Aggressive dive-bombing is a common behavior at this time. In addition, males may be slightly territorial when breeding or molting.

Spirited speakers and singers, they are often vocal and can be very loud when they want to be. Although Blue Fronted Amazon is a good spokesperson, they are even good screamers. You can expect to wake up in the morning at sunset and expel them from their normal instinct, though they usually last for 10 minutes. For people who live in close proximity to apartment buildings, these birds can be very loud and annoying to your neighbors.

Overall, the owners describe this species very socially, independently and easily. They tend to be quieter than other Amazons and can hold their own for quite some time. That doesn’t mean they need less attention. Really, the Blue-Front just wants to be part of the move and he’ll let you know when he comes out.

Blue Fronted Amazon Colors and markings

The primary color of this parrot is beautiful lime green. Their common name comes from a blotch of blue or turquoise found on the stars. Although the trademark of this species, the breeder has made extensive marks on the bird’s head. This makes it easy to distinguish a separate fur from the feathers.

Some birds do not have blue on the head and others have turquoise almost completely on the head. The yellowish blue usually extends around and beneath the head before turning to the bright green feathers of the body. You could even find birds with white patches.

Usually, the blue front shoulders and flight feathers have a bright red touch, which is a purple tint when in flight. It varies by individual and has the only green shoulders, especially wild pots, found in some North America Argentina.

In captivity, there are some color mutations, such as cinnamon blue-fronted Amazons, with greenish-brown body feathers. Lutino varieties are usually white feathers where you would normally expect yellow. There is also a blue mutation that has created a complete bluebird with a yellow color patch.

Generally, the beaks are black and the feet are gray. It is a monomorphic species, so males and females look alike. The only way to know the sex of your bird is during DNA sex or surgery.

Caring for Blue Fronted Amazon

These birds are extremely intelligent and social, and they need regular human interaction. Do not accept an Amazon parrot if you do not have enough time to spend with it.

In fact, the more activities you can incorporate into your home, the happier you will be. Whether you are watching TV, cleaning, or eating dinner, you want to be part of the blue-front action. A portable play stands that you can walk from room to room, away from home, and will reward you with its acrobatic antics wherever you go.

The maximum recommended cage size for an active bird like a blue-fronted Amazon is a 3-foot cube, though the larger the better. If you can’t get a very large cage, try to compensate by allowing him an extra cage every day.

You can usually find them at pet stores, it is best to go through a bird breeding. They will be able to verify your new pet and its health, which is important to any exotic bird. Contact a local bird breeder in your area and ask if you can visit them and spend time with their birds. Seeing a blue-faced Amazon parrot in its home environment provides insight into how it wants to live with one. The more you can meet him before you raise him, the better.


Wild, blue-fronted Amazons for fruits and berries, leaf buds and flowers, as well as seeds and nuts. It is believed that they eat some protein. Like all parrots, blue-fronted Amazons need a different diet that mimics their natural foods.

A healthy diet should include high-quality pellets, a quality seed blend and serve fresh, bird-safe fruits and vegetables daily. Basically, most people are okay with feeding these utensils to control foods that are considered healthy and the owners are especially lovers of chicken. Avoid avocados and chocolates as they poison the birds.


All Amazon Active utensils and Blue Front should be allowed out of the cage for at least three to four hours a day, especially if their cages are small. It allowed him to play and stretch his legs and be part of the family.

These birds want to climb and like to chew, so it is recommended that owners of Amazon parks provide their pets with toys that are plentiful, including ladders and ropes. Keep extra chew toys that are ready to be replaced for too much freezing, and playthings will not play to keep yourself entertained when your bird is not near you.

Blue Fronted Amazon is a special delight during Bath. Just provide a water bowl for this and he’ll almost splash the contents of his heart. Some birds prefer to besprinkle with water, while others may shrink and pray for a bath. Follow the lead of your bird and use it as another bonding opportunity beyond speech and joke training.

More pet bird species and more research.

Lilac-Crowned Parrot

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blue fronted Amazon

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